Push back in Europe on the banning of ICE cars by 2035
A few weeks back I reported how European Parliament had proposed new laws
banning the sale of petrol and diesel cars and light commercials from 2035 in the
27 states that make up the European Union. The European Union’s proposed
2035 internal combustion ban could however now include an allowance for
internal combustion engines using synthetic e-fuels – Both Ferrari and Porsche
have taken the fight to their respective national governments in seeking an
exemption with Germany in particular pushing hard for the e-fuel consideration.
As such the internal combustion ban as proposed has been delayed. The sticking
point – new internal combustion engines sold after 2035 would have to be unable
to run on fossil derived petrol and diesel yet be able to run on e-fuels which are
molecularly identical or chemically compatible. Porsche is in fact building an e-
fuel plant in Tasmania. I’m David Berthon
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