Do EV owners get better looked after
When I talk about the burgeoning electric car industry one question that always
surfaces from owners of petrol and diesel cars. “Yes, we hear what you’re saying
David, but EV owners are being subsidised by the Federal and State
Governments.” And it’s hard to argue with this as they don’t pay the 42 cents a
litre fuel excise on petrol and diesel, mainly used for road maintenance. And they
get handsome Govt. subsidies including a 5 per cent import tariff reduction.
Victoria is the only state so far to levy a distance-based EV tax of 2.6 cents for
every kilometre travelled whether inside Victoria or interstate. This is currently
the subject of a High Court challenge by several EV owners. Interestingly, other
states and territories are waiting to see the outcome of this High Court case,
while the Federal Government doesn’t support the Vic Govt levy, obviously
wanting to control the revenue stream once EV’s grow. I’m David Berthon
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