Parties clash as Coalition nuclear costings are released

The Coalition has finally handed down their nuclear costings. The Coalition claims their energy plan would cost Australians $263 billion less than Labor’s renewables policy.
Peter Dutton estimates the construction and operation of the seven nuclear plants will deliver net zero by 2050 and cost $331 billion.
Nationals Leader David Littleproud told Peter Fegan on 4BC Breakfast, “There’s a better way, there’s a cheaper way and there’s a more reliable way.”
“There’s no country of the industrial size of Australia that has gone all renewables, you can’t do it, you need a sensible mix,” Littleproud said.
The plan includes building seven nuclear power plants at a cost of $331 billion over 25 years which is significantly lower than Labor’s renewables scheme.
The Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Senator Murray Watt told Peter Fegan on 4BC Breakfast, “The point here is that we can either rely on the figures provided by consultants who Peter Dutton and the Coalition have engaged, or we can rely on the independent science agencies of our country, like the CSIRO.”
“They’re not politicians, they’ve got no agenda, they just deal with the facts and they say that renewables is cheaper than nuclear.”
“The energy market operator in Australia that actually keeps the lights on and has to regulate this stuff, they say that the plan that we’ve got to roll out renewables backed up by gas, batteries and hydro would be $122 billion, not the kind of figures Peter Dutton is talking about,” Senator Watt said.
Hear more highlights from Peter Fegan below:
Image:Getty Images/Dan Peled/Sam Mooy/Canva