Brisbane parish in dispute with City Council over fate of heritage-listed church hall
A small Catholic parish in Brisbane’s south is locked in a battle with Brisbane City Council over the fate of a heritage-listed church hall that’s falling apart.
The parish has said the hall will cost $700,000 to fix and instead wants to demolish it and build a new one.
The Brisbane City Council has rejected their bid, arguing the hall has historical and social significance and should be preserved
Secretary of the Our Lady Fatima Parish Financial Council, Noel Sweeney, told Gary Hardgrave on 4BC Drive, “It doesn’t make any sense to me.”
“If you just look at the building and think, why would anybody think that there’s any heritage listing importance of this building? It’s just not,” Mr Sweeney continued.
Hear more highlights from Gary Hardgrave below:
Image: Our Lady of Fatima Parish Acacia Ridge
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