Alan earns a win for residents forced to drink ‘raw’ water

Residents of the New South Wales Upper Hunter will no longer have to drink ‘raw water’ thanks to a push from Alan Jones and the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party.
As Alan revealed back in April, over 100 residents living just north of Dungog, upstream from the Hunter Water treatment plant, have been drinking untreated water for years.
After Hunter Water discovered the issue they didn’t fix the problem, instead they ordered residents to sign a legal waiver guaranteeing they won’t sue Hunter Water if they become ill from drinking their own water.
After Alan’s story, Upper Hunter MP Michael Johnsen listened and got involved.
He tells Alan it’s not cost effective to connect them to the main water grid but that Sydney Water will make it right.
“If you look at 69 properties, a cost of $7 million, it’s about $100,000 per property. That would just be unrealistic.
“Hunter Water are actually paying for people to get water tanks and connection with a filter to their properties so once it’s gone through the filter, the water’s fine.”
All tanks should be connected by the end of the year. Until then, residents will have to boil water to purify it or buy their own filters.
Click PLAY below for the full interview
Residents have to sign legal waiver before drinking their own tap water