‘Are you trying to lose the election?!’: Alan Jones blasts Queensland Government

Alan Jones is calling out the Queensland Premier over a spate of decisions during the coronavirus crisis.
The Queensland government is considering ‘extraordinary’ proposals which arguably protect tenants but neglect landlords.
On the education front, Queensland children won’t be returning to school for term two despite the Prime Minister advising schools are safe for children and should be reopened.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk had agreed to appear on The Alan Jones Breakfast Show but pulled out late yesterday after Alan advised the Premier he would be discussing landlords and schools.
The Premier has declared there will be no State of Origin games played in Queensland this year, due to the COVID-19 crisis, despite the NRL planning to resume its season in May.
Alan Jones says the Premier needs to step up and address these issues.
“Put your advice on the table, Annastacia! You’re bleeding votes and you’re achieving nothing!
“Are you seriously trying to lose the election?”
Click PLAY below to hear Alan’s comments in full
Minister for Housing and Public Works Mick de Brenni assures Alan Jones none of the measures will be permanent.
“They’re all about implementing the national cabinet’s decision for six months.
“You can ask for financial hardship. We don’t think it’s reasonable though that you hand over your bank statements.”
Click PLAY below to hear the full interview
Image: Getty/Jono Searle