Australian Council for Civil Liberties ‘not convinced’ over idea for teen ankle bracelets

The Australian Council for Civil Liberties says they are not convinced about the use of GPS tracking devices for youth offenders on bail.
The tragic crash at Alexandra Hills on Australia Day is fuelling widespread calls for an overhaul of our youth justice system.
One of the suggestions put forward by Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers included “GPS tracking ankle bracelets for juveniles on bail and mandate remote engine immobilisers”.
President of the Australian Council for Civil Liberties, Terry O’Gorman, said any review should take in the thoughts of the community, courts and those who work in the area.
“The Civil Liberties Council is increasingly concerned that signs that the police including the police union are simply trying to be the only ones that the government will hear as to what changes if any are to be brought in, in relation to juvenile justice, bail and sentencing laws.
“We say if there is a problem with juvenile bail laws, those laws have to be looked at in a thorough manner by a retired Children’s Court judge.”
He said they would need to be “convinced about the appropriateness” of ankle bracelets.
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