Bushfire-ravaged locals living in tents unable to access millions in donations

The Royal Commission into the devastating bushfires that ravaged Australia over the summer has heard evidence today for the first time since it began.
Along with the national probe, the NSW government is holding its own bushfire inquiry, due to report by the end of July.
And today the Supreme Court ruled the $51 million raised by Celeste Barber for the NSW RFS during the bushfire crisis can’t be divided among other states and charities.
“With all this talk it would be nice to see some action,” Mark Levy commented.
“There are still Australians in regional towns without a roof over their head, nearly six months after the fires came through.”
David Allen, owner of the Cobargo Hotel in an area devastated by fire, told Mark Levy it’s disappointing locals are still waiting for help to arrive.
“One of the biggest things we could do to help people with mental health and trauma from the bushfires down here is to provide some decent accommodation.
“We’ve still got so many people in Cobargo and the surrounding areas… living roughly, living in tents, living in old clapped out caravans in the middle of winter now.
“And all these different levels of government that are meant to be helping people but the help is just not getting to those who really need it.
“If people are still living like this, it’s just disgraceful in Australia.”
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Image: Getty