Calls to nominate departing CMO Brendan Murphy for Australian of the Year

Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy has vacated the role today after four years in the job.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison thanked Professor Murphy during his last press conference, following his final National Cabinet meeting.
The departing CMO admitted he never thought he’d become so recognisable he has to disguise himself in public.
Professor Murphy will now move on to a new job as Secretary for the Department of Health.
Mark Levy called on all Australians to thank the professor for his service.
“He’s the man who saved us from coronavirus.
“I want to thank him and congratulate him for his tireless efforts in charting a course for Australia through the global health crisis.
“We should be patting him on the back.”
Mark wasn’t alone in his appreciation of Professor Murphy, with listeners flooding the text line nominating the CMO for Australian of the Year, and describing him as “brilliant, measured and totally informed”.
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Image: National Nine News