‘Completely and utterly weak’: QLD bikie laws unable to stop violence

The Opposition is accusing the state government of being weak on bikies after a string of violent incidents.
There are fears another motorbike gang war could be brewing as bikie-related violence escalates in Queensland.
There have been two public shootings in the last month, and a fire-bombing attack on a tattoo parlour connected to the Rebels.
Tough bikie laws introduced in 2013 by the Campbell Newman government have been gradually dismantled by the current government.
Shadow Tourism Minister David Crisafulli says the government is refusing to acknowledge the severity of the situation.
“Make no mistake, the bikies are back, and it is a turf war.
“To suggest that somehow innocent people can’t get caught up in that is absolute nonsense.”
He tells Ray Hadley the current laws are not doing enough to deter bikies.
“These laws have all the severity of attacking someone with a microwaved shallot.
“It is just completely and utterly weak, we are a laughing stock.”
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Image: NSW Police