EXCLUSIVE: Prison staff accused of corruption and bullying at Parklea

Allegations of widespread corruption and bullying have been leveled at prison guards working at Parklea Correctional Centre in Sydney’s north-west.
2GB’s Ray Hadley has revealed a female guard was allegedly assaulted by her superior after accusing him of smuggling contraband into the prison.
“He allegedly threatened her, telling her to stay quiet and not report it to GEO [the private operator] or the police.
“We’re told the supervisor released the guard’s personal details, including her home address, to inmates, who filtered it outside. She was allegedly sent death threats and forced to move house.
“We’re told the only punishment the supervisor faced… he was moved from one area of the prison to another.”
Corrective Services New South Wales deny the assault but have released a statement confirming several staff are being investigated and facing the sack.
“Allegations of bullying and harassment – but not assault – were substantiated, and will result in seven staff members being disciplined with their employment potentially being terminated.”
After Ray Hadley aired the story a former Parklea inmate phoned in with explosive allegations, claiming prison guards are responsible for massive amounts of contraband brought into the jail.
“Stuff is smuggled in through the meals… Every evening you get a hot meal. It’s a tray with a lid on it.
“For example a mobile phone will cost you anything from $1,500 to $3,000, which is paid by whoever outside. That’s deposited into a particular bank account at the direction of the guard.”
‘John’ spent all of January at the notorious prison and admits he personally had access to illegal items.
“I made several phone calls from a contraband mobile inside the jail.
“It happens and no inmate can do that because they don’t have access to the meals.
“Dinner is the method by which contraband is smuggled in.
“Parklea has got to be the dirtiest jail you can possibly go to.”