Father-of-two sentenced for burning wife alive in front of their children

A man who murdered his wife in a house fire has been jailed for at least 27 years.
The murdered woman had texted her killer, known as AKB, saying their marriage was over.
The court heard he set their Sydney home on fire, pushing his wife into the flames to make sure she didn’t escape.
Horrifically, one of her young children tried to help but was dragged away.
A man responsible for a DV murder by setting the house alight in front of his children and leaving his wife to burn to death , has been jailed for at least 27 years
— Gil Taylor (@Taylor7Gil) November 1, 2018
The trial heard a harrowing tape of the victim’s final screams after she rang Triple Zero.
The details of the case were so horrific, jurors were offered counselling by the court.
AKB has now been jailed for at least 27 years, with Justice David Davies describing the murder as “confronting, gruesome and shocking”.
Macquarie Radio Court Reporter Gil Taylor joins Ray Hadley with the details
Justice Davies also commented on the horrors of domestic violence.
He told the court, “sadly, it’s rare that a week goes by where a woman doesn’t get killed by her partner, something as a community we should be ashamed.”