Home to big-hearted Bilo: Murugappan family going back to QLD
The Murugappan family will be able to return to Biloela, after a lengthy campaign from the community.
The Tamil asylum seeker family have been in immigration detention since 2018, after they were refused permanent residency by the former Morrison government.
Labor made an election promise to allow their return home to the central Queensland town of Biloela.
Home Affairs Minister Jim Chalmers confirmed the news in a tweet.
Speaking with the Murugappan family about my decision today as interim Home Affairs Minister to enable them to return #HometoBilo, the big-hearted QLD town which has embraced them so warmly #auspol pic.twitter.com/uw6vlZV2co
— Jim Chalmers MP (@JEChalmers) May 27, 2022
In a statement, Mr Chalmers said they would be granted bridging visas while they work towards a resolution for permanent residency.
“I have spoken to the family and wished them well for their return,” he said.
“This decision will allow them to get ‘home to Bilo’ a big-hearted and welcoming Queensland town that has embraced this beautiful family.”
Nic Holas, country director at change.org says it’s a “beginning of a long journey of healing” and a massive relief for the town of Biloela.
“We anticipate that the family will be leaving Perth where they have been held in community detention sometime in early June,” he told Scott Emerson.
Press PLAY below to hear more about their journey home
Images: Supplied/Jim Chalmers Twitter