‘If you speak out, you’re shoved out the door’: says Shadow Attorney-General

Shadow-Attorney General Tim Nicholls has told Scott Emerson on 4BC Drive that the handling of the integrity issues that have come to light within the State Government, shows a culture of ‘cover-ups’ and an ‘unwillingness to face the truth.’
Today two more alleged instances of political corruption have arisen with further calls for the Fitzgerald 2.0 inquiry to be widened to include an examination of the inner workings of the state government.
Several government employees, including Integrity Commissioner Nikola Stepanov, former State Archivist Mike Summerell, former Legal Services Commissioner Bob Britain, and the Premier’s former senior policy advisor Travis Dawson have all voiced the integrity issues that are alleged to be plaguing the Palaszczuk Government.
“What we’ve seen again today is two people with an intimate involvement and knowledge of the way government operates coming out and highlighting the culture in this Labor government of cover-up and an unwillingness to face the truth,” the Shadow Attorney-General said.
“If you speak out, you’re shoved out the door. This sort of behaviour is bad in government. It’s bad for Queenslanders, and it’s bad for the public service.”
Mr Nicholls is calling on parliament to resume in order for further investigation to be completed.
“The place for this really to occur at the first instance is for the parliament to be recalled.”
“We’re not sitting again until (February 22nd). There are a lot of questions that we want to put to the government about this misbehaviour. That’s the first port of call.”
Press PLAY to hear more from the Shadow Attorney-General Tim Nicholls