Lifeline launches bushfire recovery support line

A dedicated support line has been launched to support those who are struggling following the bushfire disaster.
Calls to the existing Lifeline number have increased by up to 15 per cent since late last year.
Those who need to talk through their experience can now call a dedicated bushfire recovery support line on 13 HELP or 13 43 57 at any time of day.
Lifeline Chairman John Brogden tells Alan Jones it will support the work of those providing services on the ground.
“We will cater for those people who don’t want to walk into an office.
“They might be embarrassed about it or too proud to do so.
“But in the privacy of their own home or the farm shed or wherever they are, they will get on the phone and talk to a Lifeline counsellor because they know it’s confidential.”
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Image: DFES/Evan Collis