Lindy Chamberlain relives dingo death, reveals son’s horrific flashback

On August 17, 1980, Australia changed forever when baby Azaria Chamberlain was taken by a dingo at Uluru.
For the next 32 years, her mother Lindy was wrongfully blamed for her daughter’s murder and shamed around the country and around the world.
Alan Jones was one of the only voices of support, right up until Azaria’s cause of death was finally changed to ‘taken by a dingo’ in 2012.
“Lindy Chamberlain belongs as part of one of the most shameful chapters of Australian judicial history,” says Alan.
Tonight Lindy’s story will be relived in a touching episode of Anh Do’s Brush with Fame on the ABC.
Alan asks Lindy how hard it was to go through it all once again.
“It’s easier to hear than it is to watch.”
The now 71-year-old says God and the truth got her through her wrongful conviction, jail time and the years of condemnation since.
“When you know the truth, you don’t need to be sidetracked by other people who are ignorant of it.”
Lindy also reveals the government never paid her legal bills and a horrifying flashback her son had, 12 years after Azaria’s death.
Click PLAY below to hear the fascinating interview
Alan Jones will also feature on the Anh’s Brush with Fame later in the series.
Lindy Chamberlain’s episode airs tonight at 8pm, CLICK HERE for more information
Image: ABC