Nigella Lawson joins Chris Smith live in studio

Queen of the kitchen and domestic goddess Nigella Lawson joins Chris Smith in studio while she’s in Australia filming the latest Masterchef series.
To kick things off, Nigella tells Chris about her experience with Australia’s national treasure – the smashed avo.
“It was because of Australia I learnt all about avocado toast, and when I did that back in the UK, everything went berserk.
“I did it on TV and avocado sales that week went up by 30% in the UK.”
She tells Chris Australia and the UK are both melting pots of different styles of food.
“Food in Australia and in the UK is very creative now, neither country in the past having had in the past a reputation for cooking.”
Nigella built up a food empire with no formal training, but was the meteoric ride always on the agenda?
“I sort of lurched into it. I wrote a food book, that was strange enough.
“I didn’t think I was going to carry on but I love it. So why stop?
Nigella then touches on her fame, saying “I have a very regular life.”
“When you’re out and your working, you’ve got makeup on. Generally, I wander around looking like a witch.”
Listen to the full interview below
Watch Nigella Lawson discuss her love of ‘Smashed Avo’ and how she took it to England