NRL star launches unique mental health campaign

NRL, Origin and International Rugby League star Trent Merrin has joined forces with Kids Helpline to launch a very different kind of mental health initiative.
The ‘Move Out Of Your Head’ campaign aims to spread the awareness of mental health using social media… and dance.
Trent is encouraging kids to bust out their favourite dance moves and post them online to raise awareness.
“After a victory in the sheds, I like to bust out a move.”
The Penrith Panthers forward tells Ray suicide and issues surrounding mental health are all too common these days.
“I think social media plays a massive role in that.
“Everyone’s comparing themselves to everything else…. and not enjoying the current moment,” he says.
“I really wanted to lighten it up a bit and make it very approachable for the kids who do suffer from mental health.”
He hopes that long-term, it will show kids it’s okay to speak out and discuss their mental health concerns.
Listen to the full interview below
To get involved in #MoveOutOfYourHead, click here.
If you or someone you know needs help, contact Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.