‘Our suffragettes would be turning in their graves’: Baroness fights against Islamic law

A British parliamentarian is speaking out against sharia, saying the practices would make suffragettes “turn in their graves”.
Baroness Caroline Cox has introduced a private member’s bill to protect Muslim women living in Britain from sharia decisions.
“Here’s a lady we need to listen to,” says Alan Jones.
Baroness Cox tells Alan she’s in favour of freedom of religion but some “aspects” of Islamic law are “utterly unacceptable”.
“A man can divorce his wife just by saying, ‘I divorce you’ three times. She has no similar right.
“Unless she’s had a legally registered marriage, which most do not, they have absolutely no rights at all.”
The House of Lords member says there’s also the issue of “so-called honour-based violence and abuse” which cannot be allowed.
“Our suffragettes would be turning in their graves.
“We should not allow these things to be happening in our country.”
Click PLAY below for the full interview
When it comes to burqas and their place in British society, Baroness Cox says she has concerns about the Islamic dress.
“I, personally, am worried about the burqa.
“It prevents communication, it prevents integration, as well as being a security issue.”