Katter’s Australian Party calling for introduction of Castle Law
Castle Law was raised at an anti-crime rally in Cairns on the weekend, and approximately 40,000 Queenslanders have signed a petition from Katter’s Australian Party calling for its introduction.
The law would protect homeowners from prosecution if they use force in defence against an intruder.
Katter’s Australian Party leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter, told Gary Hardgrave on 4BC Drive, “It’s about sending signals out there and some kids that unfortunately have just not seen consequences for their crimes in their young adult life.”
“If we can’t get that from our police and other means, well, it’s going to come in some form.”
“If it’s there, well, it’s going to help send a signal to the market, to the these kids that, it’s not the way to go,” Mr Katter continued.
Hear more highlights from Gary Hardgrave below:
Image: Robbie Katter MP/Facebook
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