Should we get paid to get vaccinated?
Luke Grant is joined by Vivienne Pearson, Freelance Features Writer, who wrote of her experience getting the AstraZeneca jab in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Ms Pearson says, ‘While overcoming my COVID-vaccine hesitancy, I researched possible side effects. This was lucky, as it meant my experience of shaking uncontrollably the night after receiving my vaccine was not a prompt for panic.’
‘Until now, I’ve laughed at suggestions of “incentivising” people to get vaccinated. Surely our social responsibility and individual desire to open up our lives and economy is enough? Yet, I’ve changed my mind.’
‘A few days off is also a challenge for casual workers, single parents, carers, and those employed by a business that is on the edge of closure thanks to COVID or other disasters.’
‘So, a payment would be a valuable mechanism for covering the impact of missed work, lost pay and alternative care arrangements. Vaccination is our way out of COVID scares and restrictions so a payment could encourage more people to overcome their hesitancy and book in.’
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