The federal governments big push for an emission reduction target
Announced Wednesday in a joint statement from Minister for Climate Change and Energy
Chris Bowen and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Catherine King, both outlining
that the Government aims to give Australian motorists a better choice of electric vehicles
and encourage greater use of cleaner, cheaper to run vehicles. The Government to
release its proposed Fuel Efficiency Standard by the end of this year. However, not
everyone in the car industry believes the push to reach stringent new emission reduction
targets being pushed hard by the electric car lobby is in the best interests of the average
motorist. One experienced car company executive suggesting ‘We need to look hard at
the winners and losers – note the Government’s disastrous decisions surrounding Pink
Batts and the NDIS. You can guarantee the loser will be most of us taxpayers. Buckle up
its going to be one hell of a ride.” Interesting observation. I’m David Berthon
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