Why you shouldn’t buy your kids or grandkids a cheap first car

Top marks to Australia’s Independent vehicle safety advocate, ANCAP, for a new TV commercial titled Safer Vehicle Choices Save Lives.
The commercials show the head-on impact between a 1998 Toyota Corolla and a new 2015 Corolla model – the results pointing up quite clearly the dramatic improvement in vehicle safety over the last 20 years. The older Corolla sustaining major structural failure, the dummy reading recording an extremely high risk of serious injury to head, chest and legs. ANCAP make the point that the risk of fatality in a vehicle 15 years and older is four times greater than in a car less than 5-years old. 80 percent of young drivers under 20 who died in car crashes in the last five years were driving cars older than 10 years old. It points up why you shouldn’t buy your kids or grandkids a cheap first car – save up for a safer newer model. Check out the crash footage on my podcast at 2GB.com. I’m David Berthon
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