QBCC backflips on decision for Queensland family

The QBCC has revised the outcome of Valerie Kenner’s insurance case, initially indicating the family would have to pay additional funds to complete their dream home.
Valerie Kenner was informed by the Queensland Building Construction Commission that she would be required to generate $180,000 to finish her house after the company responsible for its construction went into liquidation.
Ms. Kenner told Peter Gleeson Drive, that the QBCC contacted her this morning with an update on the insurance case.
“I cannot describe how we felt this morning, it was such a weight lifted off our shoulders because it was so much pressure to try and finish this house on our own…it’s such a relief, it’s incredible,” Ms. Kenner said.
Press PLAY to hear the QBCC’s revised decision for Ms. Kenner and her family
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