‘Sanctity of democracy’ jeopardised over mayoral chaos

Opponents of a local government law that would institute a runner-up as mayor say they’re defending the “sanctity of democracy”.
The Palaszczuk government will seek to reverse the law they instituted and backdate the change to prevent anti-coal activist Chris ‘Pineapple’ Hooper claiming the mayoralty of Rockhampton.
The Local Government Association of Queensland fought the law from the outset, and are supporting the reversal.
LGAQ President Mark Jamieson argued the current system would be unacceptable at a state or federal level.
“It was removing the democratic right of the community to determine who would be their mayor.
“If Mr Hooper’s the right guy at the by-election, so be it.”
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Mayor ‘Pineapple’ ruled out of Rocky by Annastacia Palaszczuk