Study reveals nation’s most dangerous drivers… and they’re not teens

It’s no secret Australia has a shocking record when it comes to driving.
In just the first six months of this year, we’ve already had 566 fatalities on our roads, including pedestrians.
But who are our nation’s most dangerous drivers?
“I instantly presume it would be younger drivers, the ones not on the full license, maybe P-Platers,” says Chris.
Apparently not.
According to a new study, middle-aged men are the deadliest drivers on New South Wales roads.
Male drivers aged 40-49 make up the biggest group of drivers involved in fatal accidents.
Centre for Road Safety Executive Director Bernard Carlon tells Chris it’s a first.
“There’s been a really significant shift.
“Partly that’s to do with the really great success we’ve had in reducing the amount of involvement of those 17 to 25 year-olds in fatal crashes.
“Back in 2000 they were at 203, they’re now down to 94 crashes.”
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