‘That’s a load of garbage’: Barnaby Joyce rubbishes corruption allegations

Debate is raging about how to manage the Murray Darling River in order to prevent more fish deaths.
Up to a million fish have died in a 40 kilometre stretch of the waterway at Menindee Lakes this week.
The federal government’s Drought Envoy Barnaby Joyce is rubbishing claims corruption within the Murray Darling Basin Authority is to blame.
“It’s not corruption. That’s a load of garbage,” he tells Steve Price.
“What we have is a massive drought. This is one of the worst on record.”
Many locals believe cotton farms up north are being given unfair access to water, leaving less for those down river.
Mr Joyce claims this simply isn’t true.
“The cotton industry, I think they’re down to one per cent of their total area in Dirranbandi and and zero at Bourke.”
“It’s just wrong.”
Mr Joyce says there are three possible ways to fix the situation at the Menindee Lakes.
Click PLAY below for the full interview