‘These politicians think it’s a game’: Ben Cannon on inaction over youth crime

Ben Cannon, one of the leaders of the Voice for Victims campaign, has revealed there has been minimal contact with the state government regarding the march to Parliament.
Ben Cannon has further disclosed that the Minister for Youth Justice, Di Farmer, had contacted the Voice for Victims team but no further communication has transpired.
Mr. Cannon told Peter Gleeson on Drive, “We live this every single day, it is beyond a game when you have to go to bed with it and you have to wake up with it everyday. They look at as a political opportunity, to prove favour or win a vote but for us it’s a lot more than that.”
“We’re sick of it being a barbecue conversation and everywhere you go, bumping into people who have either directly or indirectly been affected by youth crime, we want people to come peacefully with us on Wednesday to show their support…” Mr. Cannon continued.
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The Voice for Victims march to Parliament is occurring this Wednesday at 10:30am at the Edward Street gate to the Botanic Gardens.
Hear more highlights from Peter Gleeson below!