Union calls for investigation into Inge Kosan’s man overboard

The Maritime Union of Australia is calling for an investigation into a mystery plaguing the Inge Kosan.
Inge Kosan docked on Queensland shores to receive medical treatment, after 11 of the 12 onboard tested positive for coronavirus.
There was originally 13 crew members onboard, but the body of one was found washed ashore in Vanuatu.
“We’re calling on Origin Energy to help with an investigation into the death of this crewman,” Mich-Elle Myers from the Maritime Union of Australia told Neil Breen
“Now’s an opportunity for Australian authorities to interview the rest of the crew and find out what happened to this man.”
Ms Myers explained the Inge Kosan is one of four vessels on contract to Origin Energy delivering gas to Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and PNG.
“It was in Botany on the 31st of March.
“If we had have actually had rapid testing in place for all foreign crews coming into our ports, we would’ve tested that crew in Port Botany and possibly saved this man’s life.
“If we’re reliant on foreign shipping, we need to make sure these crews are okay.”
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Image: Nine News