Why a pineapple plantation has popped up in the Brisbane CBD

A mini pineapple plantation has popped up in Queens Gardens in the CBD overnight in a sight that turns back time.
The site was the state’s first-ever pineapple plot in 1844 and has been returned to its historic roots for the official launch of the Year of Horticulture.
Horticulture Queensland is highlighting pineapples as the first commodity in a year-long awareness campaign of the state’s 104 produce crops.
Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers boss Rachel Chambers told Laurel & Mark the event was well-timed to coincide with a pineapple glut.
“We’re going to teach people how they’re grown,” she said. “Some people still think that pineapples grow underground!
“People are walking past and saying, ‘I did not know that pineapples grew like this’!”
Press PLAY below to hear what else it’s hoped the public will learn from the event
The pineapples will be at Queens Gardens until 9pm tonight, when they’ll be free to go to a good home.
Image: Minister Mark Furner