Why new AstraZeneca recommendations target under-50s
New advice recommends Australians aged under 50 should now receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine rather than the AstraZeneca.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the change in advice in a press conference Thursday.
Dr Maria Boulton, Chair AMA Queensland’s Council of General Practice, told Spencer Howson the distinction of under-50s was based on data trends.
“People over 50 are at increased risk of complications from COVID,” she said.
“Reports in clots have been more numerous in people under 50.”
Dr Boulton said a history of clots does not necessarily mean the AstraZeneca will be unsafe in people over 50.
“The mechanism for the clots is different to what what you would normally get if you’ve had a DVT, say, from being immobile after surgery.
“It seems to be an immune-mediated mechanism.”
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