Young Aussie singers share their special connection to Villers-Bretonneux

100 years ago Australia showed the military of the world we can hold our own.
Not only are we tough, but we can beat a major enemy.
To commemorate the efforts of soldiers and their lives, Brisbane’s Voices of Birralee Choir will sing at the Dawn Service on Wednesday, also marking the centenary of the Battle of Villers-Bretonneux.
Chris Smith speaks with two of 30 young singers, 18-year-old Kate van Bruggen and 20-year-old Caitlin Reid who both share a special connection to the land.
Both their great-grandfathers fought at Villers-Bretonneux.
Caitlin tells Chris being at the site her great-grandfather fought at has been surreal.
“Where we’re sitting right in the choir is completely in line with the lists of names of the fallen 49th Battalion.
“It’s just so surreal to sit there with the names of people my great-grandfather would’ve known.”
The girls also give Chris a snippet of what he can expect from the choir on Wednesday.
WATCH | Voices of Birralee choir members sing for Chris
Listen to the full interview below